Hydrotherapy Facial is a non-invasive exfoliating treatment used to rejuvenate the skin on the face and to promote healthier skin over time. As early as our 20s, we begin to lose one percent of the collagen in our skin each year. Collagen is the natural substance in the skin that helps keep skin tight, smooth, and plump. As collagen begins to break down, the skin on our face starts to lose its volume, and lines and wrinkles form. Beyond losing collagen and elastin, which is another natural component of the skin that helps its elasticity, lifestyle factors affect the health of our skin as well. Sun exposure is credited with being a major factor in the health and appearance of our skin, as well as smoking and using harsh products that dry out or irritate the skin. All of these factors can cause the face to show signs of aging.
Hydrotherapy Facial
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- Pricing and availability may vary. Contact a booking specialist for more details.